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OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt
OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt
OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt
OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt
OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt

OASE 106: Table Settings – Reflections on Architecture with Hannah Arendt

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The German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) once stated that spatial thinking is 'political' thinking, as it is concerned about the world and its inhabitants. We certainly can understand spatial thinking here as architectural thinking: the ‘world’ for Arendt meant the ways in which we make the globe habitable for people: how we build houses and cities, infrastructures, and other networks, and furnish spaces with tables, chairs, paintings, and photographs. This OASE examines architecture – design, building, built environment – from this perspective.

128 pages, 17 x 24 cm, softcover, Nai010 (Rotterdam).