Maria Loboda has developed a new work for the Rotunda at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, a structure that is open to the public: Tout terriblement consists of two laurel hedges that project upward to the first floor, blocking passage through the space and turning it into a labyrinth. The hedges are set into concrete tubs, in which the artist has carved letters. Together they spell out “Tout te**iblement,” a phrase popularised by Yves Saint Laurent. The exhibition title Idyl in an Electronics Factory is a reference to a review with the same title that appeared in the US design magazine Interiors in 1963. The article critiqued a design by the pioneering landscape architect James C. Rose, who integrated into his practice a holistic approach using components that were both animate and inanimate, mutable and immutable.
20 pages, softcover, 16cm x 22cm, Spector Books (Leipzig).