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Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times
Design in Conservative Times

Design in Conservative Times

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What constitutes the role of the supposedly progressive and innovative design-field and the designer within our current, conservative landscape? Whether concerning our ecologies, technologies, economies, ethics, politics, or social norms, we appear to be stuck somewhere between outrageous production and excessive preservation. Within this radically contrasting landscape of oppositions, discussion, frictions, questions, hopes, dreams and whatnot we ask ourselves: have we reached the epitome of a quid pro quo within our designed society at large?

Engaged makers and thinkers coming from the field of both graphic design and fashion design explore and reflect upon the conservative currents and cadence within our design(ed) culture today: reflecting through texts of practice based experiences of engaged approaches in design, on fracture of thoughts and doings. The focal point of this reflection-at-large ranges from hands-on issues within specific practices to the broader, more fundamental motivations that fuel them.

By inviting both graphic design and fashion design professionals to comment, reflect, promote, critique, provoke and/or contemplate on conservative culture in relation to their own visions, design practice, designed goods, Design in Conservative Times wishes to lay bare the intricacies and dynamics of design(er) in society today.

128 pages, 12 x 17 cm, paperback, Onomatopee (Eindhoven).