Anne Marie Maes is a multi-media artist who has been studying the tight interactions and co-evolutions within urban ecosystems. In the open-air lab on the rooftop of her studio, she created an experimental garden and has been keeping bees in self-designed beehives, equipped to bring out hidden structures in the life of the colony. Her 'field notes' provide an on-going source of inspiration for her artworks. The Bee Laboratory, as well as her late experiments with living textiles, open a framework that has been initiating a wide range of installations, photography works, sculptures, workshops and books. It is a long-term project on the edge of art, science and technology.
184 pages, 21 x 14.8cm, softcover, MER. Paper Kunsthalle (Ghent).
184 pages, 21 x 14.8cm, softcover, MER. Paper Kunsthalle (Ghent).