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Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence
Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence

Errant Journal 2: Slow Violence

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For this second issue Errant Journal sets off from the term 'slow violence’, as it aims to expand upon the idea that the relation with violence should be front and centre in the discussions of the ‘climate crisis’ in order to bring the rather abstract concept of 'climate change' back in relation to the underlying necropolitics. Moving away from a universal narrative and addressing the different roles people, companies, and nation states play, also opens up the possibility to address the call for climate justice; a topic addressed in a special section of this issue edited by Radha D’Souza and Jonas Staal.

128 pages, 17 x 24 cm, softcover, Errant Journal (Amsterdam).