The publication Mapping the Moving Image: Media, Agents, and Sites in the Czech Context is dedicated to a critical assessment of the practice of the moving image in the Czech art world from the 1970s to the present day. Its central theme is the critical analysis of the relevant planes of negotiation for an autonomous position for this practice. The separate commissioned essays by authors representing the discourses of both art history and film studies, as well as the perspective of archivists and curators, are arranged into a coherent volume that makes up for the currently fragmentary historical image of this practice.
Sylva Poláková is a film historian and curator. She focuses on experimental film and art of the moving image from an interdisciplinary perspective. Martin Mazanec is a curator and pedagogue. His focus is the curatorship and mediation of art of the moving image in the context of the gallery and the cinema.
332 pages, 18.5 x 27 cm, softcover, Spector Books (Leipzig).