In response to the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, the global initiative Bauhaus Earth convened scientists, architects, spatial planners, and policy makers from around the world to author a manifesto. Toward Re-Entanglement is said manifesto – it is a radical call for action, challenging all those with a role in the conception, production, operation, and governance of the building sector to address the systemic ecological, climatic, and social impacts incurred by its activities.Twelve principles of 're-entanglement' guide the re-design of the entire life cycle of the urban realm: the re-formation and re-materialisation of the physical artefacts that comprise it, the reconfiguration of the socioeconomic structures that underpin it, and the re-engagement of the bioregions that might sustainably supply it. In this way, our unprecedented convergence of environmental and social crises offers us powerful opportunities for systemic change.
The Charter is the first volume in the Bauhaus Earth Essays series that will launch in 2024, featuring a wide array of critical voices that will address the complete overhaul of the built environment that the climate crisis demands of us.
56 pages, 10.2 x 16cm, softcover, JOVIS (Berlin).