This book is the first to elaborately map out what AI brings to graphic design and to identity design in particular. The graphic field, and designers at large are seeking out for practical grip, ethical frameworks and more. This book offers this support.
In writing both playful, using the voice of AI in the persona of Steve, as well as robust in the sharing of lines of thinking and doing, this text grew out of the PhD of Melani De Luca and is practically supported by many experiences of designers in the field, included as testimonies sourced from interviews.
Through the identification of coherent working methods in visual identity projects, this book offers a replicable conceptual framework that brings significant advancement in graphic design methodology and practice, integrating AI and Machine Learning. It highlights augmentation rather than replacing designers through automation and articulates how design teams can make this work best.
Based on interviews with Studio FM, Serious Business, Off Office, Kellenberg-White, Studio Temp, Zaina, Post Noviki, Parco Studio, Studio Mucca, Studio Dumbar, Base Design, Aktiva, Left Loft, e-Types, Bld Studio, Pentagram Hudson Powell, Field Systems, London, Leslie David, Other Means and Roosje Klap.
330 pages, 12.5 x 21 cm, softcover, Set Margins (Eindhoven).