All the exhibitors for Same Page 2024 (October 19–20) have been announced – check the full list here!

Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place
Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place

Daniel Rampulla – Wild Place

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To my mind, Wild Place is a narrative of situational discovery. Not a coming-out story, but a pre-coming-out exploration imbued with a sense of danger, anticipation, anonymity, and desire, laced perhaps with a touch of guilt. [...] it's the intentional absence of narrative resolution, defined by a palpable sense of the enigmatic that keeps these images firmly planted in my mind.
— Extract of the afterword by Hal Fischer

Daniel Rampulla's Wild Place is a series of photographs that builds an exploration of youth and queerness. These enigmatic images assemble through a series of noir-outdoor portraits, a personal and voyeuristic vision of intimacy.

Three different covers are available, glued over a beautiful Fedrigoni pearl black paper.

72 pages, 17 x 24cm, section-sewn open spine, Handshake (Valencia) x Pomegranate Press (Richmond).